October 23, 2023

The Allsopp Family


The allsopp family

I have had a very busy fall season! This is the first time I have been this busy, and I have had an absolute blast hanging out with all these amazing families. Shelly messaged me one day asking about family sessions. When she booked and we hopped on the phone to go over location options, she mentioned a quaint little spot around Rend Lake that I had never noticed or investigated before. I had just taken the Holman's family photos and had intended to take them over to South Marcum area, but hearing Shelly's suggestions had me excited to discover new potential locations. I took some shots early on in the day, and because I knew exactly where the sun would be at the exact time of our shoot, I knew this location was going to be a smashing success, and guys, it did not disappoint. You can see some of them below and then what I turned them into during our session.

The Allsopp family showed up looking AMAZING! Their outfits were so on point for this session and they all looked so sharp! You see, Shelly is always behind the camera. Just perusing her Facebook I can tell she values images. She loves documenting. But she hadn't ever hired a professional to take on this burden so she could truly just be present and enjoy her family and not worry about everything else. So for her birthday, her husband told her to schedule a photoshoot. I am SO honored she chose me! It gives me such a great feeling to be able to give my clients something truly special. To show the family connection and closeness they share. This is probably the last set of amazing photographs they get as a family before these older kids start spreading their wings and flying off. So this session was extra special to Shelly.

That's why I love what I do. I get invited into the most sacred places of families' lives. To take an everyday experience out at Rend Lake and elevate it to something special they can remember for decades to come.

Some photos I took during my location scouting trip.